Create SSL VUE 3 With Https Server Localhost Test

Create SSL VUE 3 With Https Server Localhost Test

With this script you were able to create certificates simply, with just one command executed via the prompt.

The idea is to facilitate the creation of certificates for developers who use the VUE3 connection and need to test the system using SSL / Https running on localhost

Follow the steps to install the script. Don’t skip any steps.

1) Within the root folder of your project, clone the project

Clone a repo into my GitHub (

git clone

2) Go to your project folder/create-ssl-vue-https-server-localhost

cd create-ssl-vue-https-server-localhost

3) Now configure the variables of your SSL certificate

Remember that the variables here are extremely important, because if they are not filled in correctly, the certificate may not work / may not be recognized by the server

cd tool-create-certs-ssl

Open the openssl-custom.cnf file


emailAddress = <EMAIL_ADDRESS>

4) Now give the command below for the system to create the certificates


5) Create a VUE3 app

cd ../vue3-ssl
npm i

6) Move the certificates to the VUE3 rais folder

mkdir certs
mv ../tool-create-certs-ssl/server.key ../tool-create-certs-ssl/server.crt certs/

7) Check the vue.config.js file


const { defineConfig } = require('@vue/cli-service')
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = defineConfig({
   transpileDependencies: true,
   devServer: {
     server: {
       type: 'https',
       options: {
         key: fs.readFileSync('./certs/server.key'),
         cert: fs.readFileSync('./certs/server.crt'),
     client: {
       webSocketURL: 'wss://localhost:8080/ws',

8) Run NPM server

npm run serve

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